World war

From Prophet Mattias
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You would question if it would be world war 3 or world war 4 because some called the cold war the third world war.

Some people question if nukes exist because of that they have been used so little in war.

Either way nuclear power plants exist and they can easily be turned into terrible radioactive radiation burning stuff that burns for a long time and causes enormous problems. That we know from Chernobyl.

Also the big aircraft carriers are powered with nuclear power and the Oreshnik IRBM could hit these carriers while they are in port, using kinetic warheads, causing the sinking of the aircraft carrier. At Mach 10+, tungsten or depleted uranium warheads could pass completely through the carrier, entering and exiting with minimal deceleration. Same with the nuclear powered submarines.

It will be more of a survival existence rather than this system that we see today.

Pure existence under the sun.

The USA used to be able to park some aircraft carriers and destroyers outside the coast of a nation and basically fear them to compliance. That time is over. The US aircraft carriers are no longer invincible. Russia supports Iran and US aircraft carriers flee the Houthis. Without the power of the US military the US cannot uphold the petrodollar as the world currency and without forcing the international world to use the dollar the dollar will lose its value. Western Europe will be hit financially by the fall of the dollar.

I believe that if they really had all these nuclear weapons, like backpack nukes, tactical nukes, thermonuclear bombs etc then some rogue nation would have used them. They would have obtained them on the black market and used them against their enemies. Even other players such as cartels, criminal organizations would have been able to get hold of smaller nukes and used them. Probably they don't exist and they are just a way to fear people into a kind of hypnotic trance. Hiroshima and Nagasaki could probably be explained by big dirty bombs, the same with the so called nuclear tests. Even a big conventional bomb creates this kind of mushroom cloud that is supposed to be characteristic of a nuclear bomb.

Probably the accelerated nuclear reaction that is supposed to happen in a nuclear bomb is just fake science. The real science is probably rather the nuclear reaction that happens in a nuclear meltdown.

See also

Industrial Society and Its Future

Oreshnik wartime attacks