Oreshnik wartime attacks

From Prophet Mattias
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Oreshnik advanced warning

Oreshnik advance warnings[1] to allow civilians to evacuate to safety if military targets nearby are bombed with IRBM is being interpreted as IRBM with nuclear warheads because of that people believe that IRBMs with conventional warheads would only cause damage to the targeted area, but that is not true.

IRBMs like Oreshnik causes cracks in civilian buildings kilometers away and cracks underground cables like water, electricity and also destroys communication wires[2].

Suggested improvement

Its unclear what warheads where used in the Oreshnik missile attack at Dnipro. Possibly kinetic warheads where used. Warheads that cause damage by being heavy and travelling fast almost like a small-scale meteor strike. Its possible that tungsten was used in that case in the kinetic warhead.

I would suggest that depleted uranium which has basically the same weight as tungsten but is much cheaper and readily available could be used instead.


  1. Putin says Russia attacked Ukraine with a new missile that he claims the West can’t stop , https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-icbm-attackddnipro-38b0faf6eed2cef98bdbc9be18f58244
  2. Messages from Dnipro Residents after Russian ICBM Strike , https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/messages-from-dnipro-residents-after-russian-icbm-strike