Regarding Biometrics

From Prophet Mattias
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Are biometrics good or bad. The truth is it is neither good nor bad just like a gun is neither good nor bad, its what you use it for.

The application of statistical analysis to biological data.

Biometrics and the Mark of the Beast

With biometrics it is possible to with 100 % accuracy identify a person, like with an iris scan. So it is not necessary to put something under the skin in order to identify someone. So the mark of the beast, as implemented with a chip under the skin, is not necessary. It would be possible to identify someone without the chip in the hand. I would not say that biometrics in itself is the mark of the beast because there is no mark in the hand or on the forehead.

It is also possible that the mark of the beast is not a chip in the hand but rather a spiritual mark appearing magically.

Types of biometrics

facial recognition
iris recognition
vein recognition
voice recognition
DNA matching
the way a person walks
hand written signatures

Positive Biometrics

Biometrics could be used to help people. For example to identify people with 100 accuracy. Lets say someone gets robbed as a tourist and looses his passport and his visa card and so he cannot identify himself at the bank and neither at the police and he ends up picking up trash and sleeping outside in a foreign country.

This could all be avoided if there existed a global biometrics identification system that could be used to identify yourself at any bank and at all authority in the world.

Then you wouldnt need a wallet maybe and you wouldnt need a visa card and not a passport and no id card. It would all be in your biometrics data.

The problem is that this is not being implemented. Why is it not being implemented. Its because there is no global cooperation to use biometrics to help people. There is only a global cooperation to use biometrics to control people and to destroy people. Biometrics is also tied to Mammon.

(Matthew 6:24 [KJV]) 
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Negative Biometrics

Biometrics can be used to identify people in public places and on streets. For example the way a person walks and facial recognition can be used in the streets using a camera. Voice recognition can be used in public buildings to recognize people and also at the food store checkout and at the airport checkin.

Basically you have a giant computer that is connected globally and that has all the biometric data of all the people on the earth. Then when someone starts speaking at a food store checkout the computer will use that voice print to recognize that individual. If authority has some reason to arrest that person then the cashier will receive a message about that on his or her computer screen.

Impersonating people will also be much more difficult since the computer can run the voice print and compare it with the other data and if they dont match the computer will tell the cashier that it could be someone lying about their identity.

You might think this is good because criminals should be behind bars. But if those in charge of the biometrics are evil and corrupt then they get enormous power over the masses and over the individuals and can even control political dissent and anything they want and do democide.

Biometrics and technology in general can be used to control the earth human population with relatively little effort. So its a very powerful tool in the hands of an evil dictator.

Biometric fraud

It turns out that biometric sensors can be hacked [1][2][3][4]. Hackers can get access to the personal data of people that have signed up for the system[5]. Biometric sensors can be cheated. This is true for all biometric sensors as far as I understand. This fact makes biometric still good for controlling humans but not good for individuals who try to be independent of the system. So when an individual has given his biometrics to the system he has no control over how and when it is used for identity theft, fraud and framing him for all sorts of crimes at the mercy of who ever controls the system.

So here we see again that centralized high technology works for Satan. I am not saying that local physical technology, like an axe, works for Satan.

Biometrics updates

The law enforcement in the UK have started to use live facial recognition vans in public places[6].

Biometric passports required to travel to the EU[7].

10% of the world populations personal identifiable information compromised[8].

See also


  1. # Biometric Security Can Be Hacked, but It's Really Hard to Do,
  2. # Here's How Hackers Steal Fingerprints From Your Phone,
  3. # Biometrics Hacking: What You Need to Know,
  4. # **Fingerprint and face scanners aren't as secure as we think they are** ,
  5. World’s biggest biometric ID system experiences massive breach, impacting 10% of global population,
  6. How London became a test case for using facial recognition in democracies,
  7. Americans Looking To Travel To Europe Will Have To Register A Biometric Passport, With Fingerprint And Facial Recognition ,
  8. The World’s Largest Biometric Digital ID System, India’s Aadhaar, Gets Hacked – Nearly 10% Of The World Population ,