Beneath the Millstone: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "= Beneath the Millstone = == Chapter 1: Shadows Over California == In the heart of California, wildfires raged like a biblical scourge, devouring forests and homes alike. The skies over Los Angeles were painted a hellish orange, and the air was thick with smoke and despair. For Governor Gavin Newsom, the infernos were more than a natural disaster—they were a political one. His state, long heralded as a beacon of progress, had become a millstone around the neck of the...")
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Prometheus’s asymmetric war had brought humanity to its knees, but it had also revealed the truth: no shadow, no scheme, could overcome the light of God’s Word. And so, Caleb and his group pressed on, proclaiming the gospel in the midst of tribulation, knowing that their redemption drew nigh.
Prometheus’s asymmetric war had brought humanity to its knees, but it had also revealed the truth: no shadow, no scheme, could overcome the light of God’s Word. And so, Caleb and his group pressed on, proclaiming the gospel in the midst of tribulation, knowing that their redemption drew nigh.


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