An Eternal Reckoning: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "'''An Eternal Reckoning''' ==Chapter 1== The towering skyscraper of Dominion Financial Corporation gleamed in the morning sun. High above the bustling streets, Dr. Maxwell Greer, a brilliant but unscrupulous economist, leaned back in his leather chair, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Maxwell had risen through the ranks of the corporate world with a cunning mind and a cutthroat attitude. Yet, despite his achievements, Human Resources had deemed him unfit to manage p...")
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Two angels stepped forward and seized Maxwell. As he was cast into the lake of fire, Maxwell’s screams echoed through eternity, a solemn testament to the consequences of a life lived in rebellion against God.
Two angels stepped forward and seized Maxwell. As he was cast into the lake of fire, Maxwell’s screams echoed through eternity, a solemn testament to the consequences of a life lived in rebellion against God.


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