Drinking the Kool-Aid: A Christian Man’s Journey Through the Trump Golden Age

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Drinking the Kool-Aid: A Christian Man’s Journey Through the Trump Golden Age

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Matthew Corbin was not a man easily swayed by grand political promises. A devout Christian, a King James Version (KJV) believer, he had long sought wisdom from scripture rather than from men. But as America spiraled through social upheavals and economic instability, the allure of a restored nation—a modern-day land of milk and honey—became irresistible to many, including those in his small Bible study group.

The conversations that once centered on scripture began to shift. “Trump is the Cyrus of our time,” Brother James declared, referencing the biblical figure who delivered the Jews from Babylonian captivity. “He’s the chosen one, leading us into a Golden Age.”

Matthew was skeptical. He had seen men declare themselves righteous before, only to fall into ruin. But as gas prices dropped, unemployment hit record lows, and conservative values re-emerged as cornerstones of national policy, even Matthew couldn’t deny the change. The rallies felt more like revivals, with chants of “MAGA forever” echoing like hymns.

"Could this be the restoration of America under God’s hand?" he wondered. But something in his spirit urged caution—a quiet whisper of scripture: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm (Jeremiah 17:5).

Chapter 2: The Kool-Aid of Promise

By the time Trump’s second term began, the idea of the Trump Golden Age was gospel in Matthew’s church. Entire sermons were dedicated to the “divinely ordained” mission of the president to restore America’s greatness. The media was cast as the enemy, the "globalists" were modern-day Philistines, and Trump was the David who would defeat them.

Matthew felt the pressure to conform. His friends distributed flyers promoting “Trump rallies as spiritual awakenings.” On the internet, conspiracy theories thrived, tying Trump’s leadership to biblical prophecy. Websites like Infowars and broadcasts from Alex Jones fueled the fervor with claims that the “deep state” was crumbling, and God’s judgment would soon rain down on the wicked.

At a rally, Matthew witnessed something that shook him. As Trump spoke, the crowd erupted in ecstatic cheers, waving signs that read Jesus Saves and Trump Saves America. A woman next to him held a sign proclaiming Trump: God’s Right Hand.

“Is this idolatry?” he asked himself.

Chapter 3: Signs of the Great Tribulation

As the economy boomed, so did chaos. Social divisions deepened, and political dissent was met with vitriol. Matthew’s doubts grew when he saw prominent Christian leaders defend Trump’s moral failures by comparing him to King David. “Even David sinned,” they argued. But the KJV scripture Matthew studied warned against such excuses: For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God (Romans 10:3).

One night, Alex Jones’ broadcast blared through Matthew’s radio. Jones celebrated Trump’s success in dismantling the Department of Education and freezing aid to globalist organizations. “The globalists are running scared,” Jones laughed. “This is the Golden Age we prayed for!” But as Matthew listened, a chill ran down his spine. The rhetoric of victory sounded eerily like the boastful words of the kings in Israel’s troubled history.

Then came the news: famines, natural disasters, and wars brewing across continents. The stock market that had been hailed as proof of the Golden Age collapsed overnight. Panic spread. Even in Matthew’s church, believers were split. Some claimed it was a temporary setback; others feared the wrath of God.

“Brother Matthew, you have to stay strong,” James urged him. “The globalists are trying to test our faith.” But Matthew couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t a test—it was the beginning of something far worse.

Chapter 4: The Descent Into Darkness

When martial law was declared, Matthew realized the gravity of what was unfolding. The government seized control of banks, food supplies, and communication networks. Those who spoke against the administration were silenced. The world had become a dystopian nightmare, far removed from the promised Golden Age.

Churches that had preached the Trump gospel were now empty, their congregants either fleeing or hiding. Matthew clung to his Bible, reading verses by candlelight in his small basement.

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be (Matthew 24:21),” he whispered, tears streaming down his face. The Great Tribulation had arrived, just as prophesied, but not in the way the Trump believers had expected. This wasn’t a victory over globalists or a utopian America—it was the worst time in human history.

Chapter 5: The Price of False Hope

In the final days of the Golden Age, Matthew witnessed the collapse of everything he had known. Food riots broke out, and neighbors turned against each other. The streets were filled with despair. The “truth-tellers” who had promised salvation through Trump were either dead or in hiding.

Matthew prayed for guidance. The words of 2 Timothy 3:1 echoed in his heart: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. He understood now that America had drunk the Kool-Aid of false hope, blinded by the promises of men instead of seeking refuge in God.

As he walked through the abandoned streets, Matthew saw the remnants of a rally sign stuck to a broken lamppost. It read: Trump: The New American Golden Age. He tore it down and walked on, clutching his Bible.

“God, forgive them,” he prayed. “Forgive us all.”

The world around him burned, but Matthew knew his salvation lay not in the hands of a man or a nation but in the promises of the Lord. Though the Great Tribulation had begun, his faith endured, guiding him through the darkness.