The Great Divide


The world awoke to a chilling déjà vu as news broke of a mysterious new virus originating in China. The headlines, eerily similar to those from the COVID-19 pandemic, spoke of overflowing hospitals and patients collapsing in the streets. But this time, the stakes were higher. The virus, they said, was merciless, targeting children with terrifying symptoms. Videos of young faces streaked with tears and blood pouring from their eyes flooded every screen. The world was gripped by fear.

The media machine roared to life, amplifying every tragic story, every panicked plea. This was no ordinary crisis, they insisted. This was "the Children’s Plague." The narrative, driven relentlessly by the media, pinned the blame squarely on the unvaccinated. "Their refusal to follow science," anchors declared, "is endangering everyone—especially our children."

What the media refused to acknowledge was the truth known to people like Matthew Carter: the mRNA vaccines, far from protecting the population, had left millions immunocompromised. But this reality was buried beneath layers of propaganda. Experts were paraded across screens, insisting that the vaccines were "safe and effective." Any suggestion otherwise was labeled as dangerous misinformation.

A Society Divided

Matthew Carter, a KJV-believing Christian, watched the chaos unfold from his modest home in rural Arkansas. He had seen the writing on the wall years ago when the first mRNA vaccines were rolled out. He had refused them, trusting in God’s provision rather than the promises of pharmaceutical companies. Now, he found himself at odds with a society consumed by fear and anger.

The immunocompromised were everywhere, masked and avoiding even the briefest contact. Their distrust of the unvaccinated had turned to outright hostility. Social media was a battlefield, with hashtags like #ProtectOurKids and #StopAntiVaxxers trending worldwide. Influential voices called for harsh measures against those who refused to "protect the vulnerable." The division was no longer subtle. It was open war.

Lockdown 2.0

The lockdowns came swiftly, more draconian than ever before. Governments, coordinated through international organizations, imposed curfews, travel bans, and digital monitoring. AI systems scanned social media posts in real-time, flagging dissent. Anyone caught criticizing the lockdowns or vaccines faced immediate consequences. Police arrived at their homes, arresting them under the guise of "public safety."

Matthew knew the risks of speaking out, but he couldn’t stay silent. Armed with his Bible and a small but loyal online following, he posted warnings about the true nature of the crisis. "This is not about saving lives," he wrote. "This is about control. They’re setting the stage for the Mark of the Beast."

The AI flagged him within minutes.

The Knock at the Door

It was late at night when the pounding on the door came. Matthew’s heart raced as he glanced at his wife, Sarah, and their two young children. "Stay upstairs," he whispered, grabbing his Bible. He opened the door to find three officers standing on the porch.

"Matthew Carter? You’re under arrest for spreading misinformation and inciting public unrest."

He was taken to a local detention center, where the reality of the new regime became horrifyingly clear. In some countries, prisoners were force-vaccinated. In others, like Matthew’s, they faced psychological torture. Doctors grilled him for hours, trying to declare him mentally unfit. "Your refusal to vaccinate is a sign of delusional thinking," they said. "We’ll need to start you on antipsychotics."

Matthew prayed silently, drawing strength from Revelation 13. "Here is the patience and the faith of the saints," he whispered to himself.

A Nation Starving

Outside the prison walls, life was equally grim. Grocery stores were barren. Meat was scarce, expensive, and often expired. Those brave enough to shop were met with suspicious glances. The immunocompromised dominated public spaces, masked and terrified, clutching their dwindling supplies. The divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated grew wider.

Meanwhile, the vaccines themselves were doing more harm than good. With every booster, the immunocompromised grew weaker. Hospitals overflowed, but the media doubled down on its narrative, blaming the unvaccinated. "If everyone complied," experts claimed, "we could stop this pandemic."

The Children’s Psyop

The media’s focus on children became relentless. Every broadcast featured heartbreaking stories of young victims. Experts claimed the new virus was more dangerous than anything humanity had ever faced. But Matthew knew better. The headlines were a carefully crafted psyop to manipulate the masses. The globalists had weaponized the suffering of children to justify their agenda.

"If you care about the children," the anchors repeated, "you’ll support the lockdowns. You’ll get vaccinated. You’ll report those who refuse."

To oppose the measures was to be labeled a child abuser. The narrative was airtight.

The Mark of the Beast

As the months dragged on, the true purpose of the crisis became clear. Governments unveiled a new system: a vaccine passport tied to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). To access food, healthcare, or employment, citizens had to receive the latest vaccine and accept an implant. Those who refused were cut off from society entirely.

Matthew, now released from prison but monitored closely, saw the prophecy unfolding before his eyes. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads," he read aloud to his family. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark."

The Great Tribulation

The world descended into chaos. The vaccinated, now hopelessly immunocompromised, lived in perpetual fear, lashing out at the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated, ostracized and hunted, clung to their faith. The globalists tightened their grip, implementing their long-awaited plan for total control.

But amidst the darkness, Matthew held fast to his hope in Christ. "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be," he told his family. "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

As the world burned, Matthew knew that deliverance was near. The Great Tribulation had begun, but so too had the countdown to the return of the King.