Prophecy regarding the times to come

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This is a prophecy regarding the times to come. We are now in 2024. What is coming is time times and a half.

The globalists, basically rich people with a lot of money, more than 250 million Euros or British pounds or US dollars. These people want the earth for themselves. They would like to re-wild the earth with big predator animals like lions etc and then live themselves with their off spring on the earth without the billions of ordinary people.

They want to kill off billions. You have it in on the Georgia Guidestones, that were smashed because now they are going to try to do it for real.

Many of these globalists or elites or rich people, they believe in transhumanism. They hope to be able to live on forever through technology. Through advancement of technology they hope to upload their consciousness into some synthetic biology or in some other way maintain eternal life, like freezing the body or preserving the DNA to clone at a later date or whatever.

They are wrong in their faith and their belief. They will fail in their attempt to gain eternal life through technology.

But they will be used by God for his purposes without knowing it. They will basically help to start a depopulation of the earth but they will not gain the fruit that they themselves hope for.

According to the book of revelation I think 2/3rds of the population of the earth dies in this period or so.

This is going to happen.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse will ride fourth. So basically there will be global famine that will result in war, neighbor against neighbor, war everywhere and then death, that is the pale horse.

Then will the mark of the beast system come with the microchip in the hand or in the forehead.

There are fallen angels on earth today and also hybrid DNA that is human beings that have part of the fallen angels DNA in them and in this way kind of are aligned with the fallen angels biologically making them useful for the fallen angels to implement their agenda.

Satan and the fallen angels are not interested in serving the elites interest with their globalist agenda of sustainability, ESG, carbon footprint, transhumanism, end of fossil fuels etc. But the fallen angels find them useful tools in implementing the fallen angels agenda.

The fallen angels agenda is to set up the mark of the beast system, which will be ruled by the dragon that is Satan and the false prophet and the beast and then there will be an image of the beast as well.

The fallen angels want the world to worship the beast. That is this is about creating a religion that worships Satan.

So the fallen angels are not really interested in satisfying the elites view. The elite might have farms in New Zealand or in the middle east. They might want to have big areas with no human beings except their servants, organic produce and a peaceful life. They might want 99% of the world population killed off because they don't need them anymore. They want to have oranges and sheep and olive trees and grapes and milk farms and organic honey production. They want to have the best for themselves.

But this wish of them will serve as a carrot for them to work for the fallen angels wishes and in the end they will be robbed of their dream.

The fallen angels want to co-opt or corral all leaders, influencers, anyone that has followers, podcasters, media outlets, leaders of nations, leaders of organizations. They want to co-opt them rather than destroy them because the fallen angels want to set up a religion that worships the beast.

This is probably not going to succeed before the four horsemen has finished riding, that is before global famine and death. After the global famine and global war and death, then the public will be more interested in order. The microchip will be offered as an easy solution to global order. Arguments will come, we have to do this to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

This is a bit like the talk to make sure the Jewish holocaust in Germany doesn't happen again. This has the same connotation.

So the mark of the beast and therefore the worship of Satan will be introduced to make sure global famine, global war and global death doesn't happen again.

Then the mark of the beast system will be set up. People will fall down and worship the beast. But they will be deceived.

Those who refuse to take the mark of the beast, that is the microchip, they will be considered having a terrorist mind. They will say, these are the people that caused the global famine, the global war and the global death. So those who refuse to worship the image of the beast and refuse to take the mark of the beast, they will be hunted to be killed, to be murdered. They will be seen as the source of all the misery that came upon the earth through the four horsemen.

The fallen angels are already here on earth trying to foment this plan.

Thank you God Father in heaven for giving me this revelation.

See also