War in Ukraine

From Prophet Mattias
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The war in Ukraine started in 2022 by Putin. He referred to it as a special military operation. Biden has been giving billions of dollars to support Ukraine with weapons in the war. Also other western nations have contributed with weapons.

The European Union has sanctioned Russia.

The war in Ukraine has cost enormous amounts of money internationally and helped to bring about depression and crises. It has also cost many russians and ukrainians lives. Ukrainian immigrants have entered Sweden, women and children and older men.

Putin decided to turn off the gas export to europe in the autumn of 2022. Which was a strategic move to freeze Europe. Putin has also attacked power plants in Ukraine in september of 2022 also being a strategic move since the winter is coming.

To avoid provoking Russia into a world war with Nato and the USA, Nato has only contributed with weapons and not by direct military action against russia in urkaine. If Russia attacked a Nato country like Lithuania that could lead to a world war because of article 5.

This war can maybe be seen as a war in beginning of sorrows.

The war in Ukraine has links[1] to the Covid vaccine.

Its possible that the war in Ukraine is over. Russia taking the entire black sea coast[2].

Freezing of bank accounts of those who refuse to die for Ukraine[3].

See also


  1. HUGE: World War III escalates as corrupt US officials seek to protect their criminal operations and bioweapons research in Ukraine, https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-02-05-corrupt-officials-seek-to-protect-criminal-operations-in-ukraine.html
  2. Russian "Special Flight Squadron" Lands in DC - Ukraine War to End; Russia lays out terms of surrender, https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russian-special-flight-squadron-lands-in-dc-ukraine-war-to-end-russia-lays-out-terms-of-surrender
  3. Ukraine threatens to freeze draft dodgers’ bank accounts, https://www.rt.com/russia/590293-ukraine-bank-accounts-mobilization/