War in Haiti

From Prophet Mattias
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There is a gang war in Haiti.

It is interesting to look at the gang war in Haiti now in 2024[1][2]. Why well its a look at what could happen globally[3] maybe when the black horse has arrived. Basically there is sporadic cannibalism in Haiti now in 2024. Also the police does not respond to calls because its chaos that rules. The gang kills a lot of people. They have guns but interesting also is that the ruling gang has drones. Also there are cases of torture[4]. Basically its chaos and lawlessness and cannibalism and such. Things you would expect when there is no functioning society and gangs are ruling that try to kill as many as possible.

See also


  1. Haiti cannibal gang are 'eating people they've killed' on the streets as violence erupts, https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/haiti-cannibal-gang-eating-people-32281273
  2. Cannibal Gangs Roam Streets In Haiti, Marines Sent To Evacuate Embassy [VIDEOS] , https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2024/03/cannibal-gangs-roam-streets-in-haiti-marines-sent-to-evacuate-embassy-videos/
  3. Selco: If You Want to See the Future SHTF, Look at Haiti , https://www.theorganicprepper.com/selco-future-shtf/
  4. Haiti violence sees police 'attacked with machetes' as gangs wreak havoc in Port-au-Prince, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/haiti-violence-cannibal-gang-members-eating-people-they-have-killed-as-chaos-erupts/ar-BB1jnczB