An Eternal Reckoning

From Prophet Mattias
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An Eternal Reckoning

Chapter 1

The towering skyscraper of Dominion Financial Corporation gleamed in the morning sun. High above the bustling streets, Dr. Maxwell Greer, a brilliant but unscrupulous economist, leaned back in his leather chair, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Maxwell had risen through the ranks of the corporate world with a cunning mind and a cutthroat attitude. Yet, despite his achievements, Human Resources had deemed him unfit to manage people.

“Your talents are better suited elsewhere,” the HR director had said with forced politeness. “We’ve reassigned you to sales, where your expertise in economics and systems analysis can shine.”

Maxwell’s reassignment to selling advanced supercomputers had initially bruised his ego, but he soon manipulated company policies to his advantage. Using his deep knowledge of the corporate structure, Maxwell devised a lucrative payment plan that allowed him to “retire” early while receiving a steady income. With his financial independence secured, Maxwell left Dominion Financial, confident in his ability to outwit anyone.

Chapter 2

Outside the corporate sphere, Maxwell’s abrasive personality alienated everyone. His Darwinian worldview fueled a life devoted to pleasure, prestige, and reputation. He believed in survival of the fittest, and his strongest asset was his capacity for hatred. He hated weakness, vulnerability, and anyone who dared challenge his superiority. Yet, this hatred burned so fiercely that Maxwell hid it behind a façade of civility.

In his pursuit of hedonism, Maxwell spared no thought for questions of eternity. To him, faith in Jesus Christ was a relic of simpler minds. He scoffed at the idea of sin and salvation, believing instead that life was a game to be won by the smartest and most ruthless.

Chapter 3

Maxwell’s life of excess came to an abrupt end one rainy evening. Driving his luxury car recklessly fast, he collided with a truck, and his life was extinguished in an instant. When Maxwell opened his eyes, he found himself in a place of unimaginable torment.

The air burned with sulfur, and flames licked at his skin without consuming him. The agony was relentless, and his parched throat cried out for relief. Across a great chasm, Maxwell saw a place of light and peace. A man he recognized from Sunday school stories—Lazarus—stood there, comforted in paradise.

“Have mercy on me!” Maxwell shouted. “Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame!”

A voice, calm yet resolute, replied, “Between us and you, a great gulf is fixed. Those who would pass from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross from there to us.”

Chapter 4

After what felt like an eternity, Maxwell found himself before a brilliant white throne. Kneeling before Jesus Christ, Maxwell trembled, his arrogance stripped away.

“Dr. Maxwell Greer,” Jesus said, His voice filled with sorrow and authority. “Why could you not spare one moment to believe in Me? I died for your sins, but you chose to ignore My sacrifice.”

Maxwell opened his mouth to speak, but no excuses came. He had no defense.

“You are condemned by your own choices,” Jesus declared. “The lake of fire awaits, where the smoke of your torment will rise forever and ever. This is the righteous judgment you receive.”

Two angels stepped forward and seized Maxwell. As he was cast into the lake of fire, Maxwell’s screams echoed through eternity, a solemn testament to the consequences of a life lived in rebellion against God.