A Conservative Reckoning

From Prophet Mattias
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A Conservative Reckoning

Chapter 1: The Self-Proclaimed Champions

In the heart of the American Midwest, a group of conservatives had gathered in a barn-turned-meeting hall, adorned with posters of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. The air was thick with conviction as men and women alike fervently discussed their role in "saving America." Among them was Ezekiel "Zeke" Morris, a reserved man in his late forties, clutching his worn King James Bible. Unlike the others, Zeke's gaze wasn't fixed on the banners of political leaders or the slogans of "faith, family, freedom." His eyes betrayed a deep concern—a recognition of the times they were living in.

"We are the last line of defense," proclaimed Doug Henderson, a burly man who fancied himself a modern-day patriot. "If we don't stand up, America will crumble! We have to fight back against these globalists and their evil schemes!"

Applause erupted, but Zeke remained quiet. He knew their zeal was misplaced. It wasn't that he disagreed about the dangers of the globalist agenda or the wickedness pervading the world; he simply recognized that their efforts were futile. The cornerstone wasn't nationalism or technocratic resistance—it was Jesus Christ.

"Doug," Zeke finally spoke, his voice steady but firm, "you talk about saving America, but the Bible doesn't promise us national deliverance. It promises tribulation. Have you read Matthew 24 lately? Wars, famines, pestilences—they're all happening. We're in the end times."

"Oh, come on, Zeke," Doug scoffed, waving him off. "We can't just sit around and do nothing! We've got to act! Trump, Musk—they're our best hope. They're fighting the same fight we are."

Zeke shook his head. "They might have good intentions, but they're not leading anyone to Christ. They're not leading anyone to salvation. And without that, what does it matter?"

The room fell silent for a moment, but the silence was quickly broken by murmurs of discontent. Zeke knew he had struck a nerve, but he also knew that most of them wouldn't listen. They were too invested in their political idols to see the bigger picture.

Chapter 2: The Four Horsemen Ride

As months turned into years, the world spiraled further into chaos. Wars erupted in regions once considered stable. Famine swept across continents, and pestilences—engineered or otherwise—ravaged populations. The technocratic agenda marched forward, with digital currencies replacing cash and biometric scans becoming mandatory for basic transactions. The United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum emerged as undeniable pillars of a shadowy global system.

Zeke watched it all unfold with a heavy heart. He spent his days preaching from the Bible, warning anyone who would listen. "The four horsemen are riding," he would say. "The pale horse brings death, and hell follows with him. This is the beginning of sorrows."

But his warnings often fell on deaf ears. The conservatives he once knew had either doubled down on their political efforts or succumbed to despair. Doug Henderson had lost his farm to hyperinflation, and his faith in Musk and Trump had turned to bitterness. "They promised us change," Doug lamented one evening. "But all they did was sell us out to the same system we were fighting against."

Zeke placed a hand on Doug's shoulder. "They were never the answer, Doug. Jesus Christ is the answer. Always has been. Always will be."

Chapter 3: The Great Tribulation

By the time the Great Tribulation began, the world was unrecognizable. The global system had fully consolidated under a charismatic leader—a man who spoke of unity and peace but demanded absolute allegiance. The Mark of the Beast, a digital implant, became a requirement for buying and selling. Without it, survival was nearly impossible.

Zeke and a small group of believers went into hiding, relying on God to sustain them. They read from Revelation 13, finding both clarity and dread in its words: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

One by one, members of their group were captured or killed. Zeke held fast to his faith, even as despair crept in. He knew the Second Coming of Christ would bring deliverance, but the horrors of the present were overwhelming. The world had become a living nightmare—a place where hope seemed all but extinguished.

One evening, as Zeke knelt in prayer, he felt the weight of it all pressing down on him. "Lord," he whispered, tears streaming down his face, "how much longer must we endure?"

The answer didn't come in words, but in the quiet assurance of His presence. Zeke knew that even in the darkest hour, God was still in control. But as he rose to his feet, the sound of approaching footsteps reminded him of the peril they faced. The authorities had found them.

As the door burst open and armed men stormed in, Zeke clutched his Bible tightly. He had no illusions about what was coming. The Great Tribulation was the worst time in human history, just as the Bible had foretold. And yet, even in the face of death, he held on to the promise of eternal life—a promise that no earthly power could take away.

Epilogue: A World Without Hope

The world continued to plunge deeper into darkness. The system grew stronger, and resistance became nearly impossible. For those without the Mark, life was a constant struggle for survival. But for Zeke and others like him, the true battle was not for earthly deliverance, but for the salvation of souls.

As the Great Tribulation raged on, the hopelessness of the times became undeniable. Yet even in the shadow of the Beast's reign, the cornerstone remained unshaken. Jesus Christ was the same yesterday, today, and forever.