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(Created page with "= A World on the Edge = == Chapter 1: The Warning == The flicker of the oil lamp cast shadows across the wooden table where Jacob Harper, a steadfast believer in the King James Bible, bent over his worn leather Bible. The words of Revelation loomed in his mind as he read, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Jacob had always been wary of the world around him. Raised in a small Appa...")
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With his last breath, Jacob prayed for mercy and for the salvation of those who remained. The Great Tribulation had only begun, but his faith remained unbroken. And though the world descended into darkness, Jacob’s light would shine forever in the presence of his Savior.
With his last breath, Jacob prayed for mercy and for the salvation of those who remained. The Great Tribulation had only begun, but his faith remained unbroken. And though the world descended into darkness, Jacob’s light would shine forever in the presence of his Savior.


Latest revision as of 12:26, 6 March 2025

A World on the Edge

Chapter 1: The Warning

The flicker of the oil lamp cast shadows across the wooden table where Jacob Harper, a steadfast believer in the King James Bible, bent over his worn leather Bible. The words of Revelation loomed in his mind as he read, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

Jacob had always been wary of the world around him. Raised in a small Appalachian town, he spent his days repairing machines and tending to his small farm. But the nights were devoted to prayer and scripture, where he found solace in a world that seemed increasingly devoid of it. In recent months, he had become consumed by broadcasts from Alex Jones, who detailed a plan of global upheaval called the "post-industrial collapse plan."

"They want to destroy everything," Jones’ voice echoed in Jacob’s memory. "Globalists are orchestrating a complete collapse of national sovereignty, energy independence, and even food supply chains. And if they get their way, humanity will become slaves to technocrats who plan to erase individual freedoms."

Jacob had tried to warn his neighbors, his church congregation, even his skeptical younger brother, Levi. "The New World Order is real," Jacob would say, his voice thick with urgency. "This isn't just politics. This is spiritual warfare. We’re living in the last days."

Chapter 2: The Collapse

The power grid failed in early September. At first, Jacob thought it might be a localized outage. He walked outside to check the horizon and saw only darkness stretching far into the mountains. His old transistor radio crackled to life as emergency broadcasts replaced regular programming.

"This is a coordinated cyberattack," the newscaster said. "Air travel is grounded, supply chains are disrupted, and millions are without access to food or water. Authorities are urging calm."

Jacob felt no calm. This was it. The collapse Jones had warned about had begun. Over the following days, news grew grimmer. Entire cities descended into chaos as grocery stores were looted and hospitals ran out of supplies. The "globalist technocracy" Jones had described wasn’t just a theory anymore—it was real, and it was here.

Jacob fortified his farm, knowing he had only a modest stockpile of food and water. He prayed fervently for wisdom and discernment. At church, his pastor reluctantly acknowledged that Jacob’s warnings now carried weight. "God help us," Pastor Eldridge whispered after a particularly somber sermon. "These are the days we feared."

Chapter 3: The Cities Fall

Reports of "smart cities" being turned into digital prisons filtered through surviving radio broadcasts. AI drones patrolled the streets, enforcing curfews. Digital currency replaced cash, and without compliance to government edicts, citizens were locked out of the system—unable to buy food or fuel.

"The mark of the beast," Jacob muttered, gripping his Bible tightly. "It’s happening."

Jacob’s farm became a refuge for a small group of believers who refused to bow to the system. Among them was Levi, whose skepticism had finally been shattered by the brutal reality of the world around them. "You were right, Jacob," he admitted, his face gaunt with hunger. "It’s not just politics. It’s evil."

Jacob welcomed him with open arms. "It’s never too late to turn to the Lord, Levi. But we’ll need to stand firm. The worst is yet to come."

Chapter 4: The Great Tribulation

The skies grew darker, both metaphorically and literally. The "post-industrial collapse plan" had spiraled into totalitarian control. The World Economic Forum’s predictions were no longer forecasts but enforced realities. Energy was rationed to ensure "sustainability." Families were torn apart as those who resisted the system were labeled "domestic extremists" and imprisoned in camps.

For Jacob, the world outside his farm was unrecognizable. "Men’s hearts failing them for fear," he whispered, recalling Luke 21:26. Levi and the others shared the burden of survival, bartering with other like-minded Christians in the area while avoiding the AI drones that roamed the skies.

But the collapse brought with it deeper horrors. The rise of a charismatic global leader promised "peace and security," but his actions betrayed him. Believers were forced to choose: accept the digital mark and pledge allegiance to the leader, or be cut off from society entirely.

Jacob knew what the mark meant. "He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads," he recited from Revelation. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark."

As the group gathered for prayer one evening, a deep rumble shook the earth. News of natural disasters—earthquakes, famines, and pestilences—had become routine. Jacob knelt on the dirt floor, his voice steady but filled with sorrow.

"Lord, we know this is the beginning of sorrows. Grant us the strength to endure. Let us be counted worthy to escape what is to come and to stand before the Son of Man."

Chapter 5: The Final Stand

The day came when the authorities arrived at Jacob’s farm. Drones hovered above as armored vehicles rolled down the dirt road. Jacob stood firm, Bible in hand, surrounded by his small congregation. Levi took his place beside his brother, rifle slung over his shoulder.

"Jacob Harper," a voice boomed from a loudspeaker. "By order of the Global Restoration Authority, you are hereby ordered to surrender."

Jacob raised his voice, not in defiance of the men who sought his capture, but in proclamation of his faith. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want! Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil!"

Gunfire erupted, and chaos ensued. The group resisted as long as they could, but one by one, they fell. As Jacob lay wounded, his blood soaking the earth he had so faithfully tended, he looked to the heavens. A vision filled his mind—a great multitude in white robes, standing before the throne of God.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain."

With his last breath, Jacob prayed for mercy and for the salvation of those who remained. The Great Tribulation had only begun, but his faith remained unbroken. And though the world descended into darkness, Jacob’s light would shine forever in the presence of his Savior.