If It's Anything but an Easy-Believism, You're Going to Hell

If It's Anything but an Easy-Believism, You're Going to Hell

Understanding the Doctrine of Easy Believism

The term Easy Believism is often used pejoratively by those who argue against the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. However, proponents of Easy Believism maintain that salvation is received solely by believing in Jesus Christ, without any requirement of works, law-keeping, or personal merit. This position is strongly defended in the sermon titled "If It's Anything but an Easy-Believism, You're Going to Hell!!!"

Biblical Basis for Easy Believism

The sermon emphasizes that the Bible presents only two options for salvation:

1. Salvation through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross, received by faith alone.

2. Attempting to be saved by keeping the law, which the speaker argues is impossible.

Several passages from Scripture are cited to reinforce this doctrine:

- Romans 4:13-14 – The promise given to Abraham was not through the law but through faith, showing that salvation is not obtained by law-keeping but by believing.

- Galatians 3:21-22 – Paul asserts that no law can grant eternal life; instead, the promise of salvation is given to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

According to this perspective, the Bible unequivocally states that faith alone secures salvation, while trusting in works nullifies the promise of eternal life.

Rebuke of Opponents

The sermon strongly rebukes those who reject the doctrine of Easy Believism. The speaker argues that opponents, often described as self-righteous and prideful, attempt to reach heaven by their own efforts instead of trusting in Christ's finished work. Those who mock or oppose Easy Believism are warned that rejecting the simple gospel leads to condemnation.

The Simplicity of the Gospel

The sermon underscores the fundamental message of Christianity:

- Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of mankind.

- He was buried and rose again.

- Salvation is received simply by believing in Him.

This presentation aligns with the doctrine of sola fide (faith alone), a key tenet of Protestant theology, affirming that eternal life is secured by belief in Christ alone, without any additional requirements.

Final Thoughts

The sermon If It's Anything but an Easy-Believism, You're Going to Hell!!! presents a clear and forceful argument for salvation by faith alone, condemning any alternative approach as heretical. The speaker stresses that any doctrine adding works or law-keeping to salvation is a rejection of the true gospel. While this perspective remains a topic of theological debate among Christian denominations, it is firmly rooted in passages from the King James Bible that emphasize faith as the only requirement for eternal life.